Module for omnichannel and secure communication

The conversation area in LiveBank is divided into 3 sections (columns): list of my conversations divided into 2 parts (all ongoing conversations and all ended conversations), chat window with selected ongoing conversation and history of conversation for authorized Clients, space for managing case/conversation Conversation list (In progress and Ended tabs) Agent can switch between conversations […]

Customer feedback is one of the most important aspects of improving customer experience and business processes inside an organization. And a great way to gather feedback and measure customer satisfaction levels is by using customer satisfaction surveys. In LiveBank there is a simple CSAT survey that measures customer satisfaction within a given Case, allowing collect […]
Sometimes sending a pdf with instructions, screenshots, or confirmation document is easier than typing out all the information on chat. That’s why in LiveBank both agents and customers can easily share files in chat. How to send a file as an Agent To share a file with a customer on chat, follow these steps: When […]
What are canned responses? Canned responses are predefined messages, that can be quickly recalled through a shortcut. It is a very effective way to shorten the response time of the Agents to the Clients and help to cut the repetitive typing for the same questions. Canned responses are supposed to help agents be more efficient […]
The goal of LiveBank is to provide a wide range of communication options with the institution, regardless of whether you are already a customer of the institution or a prospect.
Video connection is an option for synchronous conversation between a bank customer and the bank employee. Such type of connections gives a sense of real face-to-face conversation, the human touch in a digital world. Thanks to a real-time conversation, the matter can be resolved faster, and the customer can easily explain the case which needs to […]