Capitalise on sales opportunities and convert prospects in a frictionless process

Enhance availability of banking products, support end-to-end processes, foster a proactive approach to sales, and generate cross-selling opportunities with LiveBank.

Chat, audio & video

Realize the full potential of digital banking by providing human assistance at appropriate points in the process to close a deal in a single interaction.

communication - livebank24
  • Chat

    A client can contact the bank via a live chat that allows for real-time or asynchronous conversation that they can return to at any time, as the conversation history is always there.

  • Multi chat

    Possibility to conduct simultaneous chat conversations with several clients.

  • Audio & video

    If face-to-face support is required, the chat connection may be upgraded to an audio or video connection without interrupting the conversation.

Collaboration tools

Efficient collaboration with a client is one of the main factors that accelerate banking procedures and increase the number of successfully resolved cases.

collaboration tools - livebank24
  • Screen sharing

    Screen-sharing comes in handy when discussing and analysing complex issues as it ensures that a client and an agent are on the same page.

  • File exchange

    With the file exchange function, documents and links can be sent in both directions. All materials are available in the aggregated conversation history.

  • Co-browsing

    When a client experiences difficulty completing the application, they may use a unique form of support – co-browsing. With the client’s permission, the agent takes over and completes the form for them.

  • Graphical tools

    Both agent and client may use graphical tools to highlight the text or point at certain elements with an arrow.

Secure remote work environment

Ensure the security of your customers’ data and a risk-free work environment for agents

  • Data centre

    All data is stored on servers in a region where your bank operates.

  • Encryption key

    Data is encrypted using keys managed by your bank.

  • Data recording & archiving

    You can record chat messages, audio, and video sessions to retrieve them when needed.

  • Agent SSO

    A single sign-on streamlines access to the system and multiple resources.

Work management

Empower your sales force, coordinate workflow, and manage operations to help your agents achieve or even surpass sales targets.

  • Teams organization

    Create teams of agents assigned to a team leader.

  • Working hours configuration

    Specify agents’ working hours – clients can leave chat messages for agents to reply to during working hours.

  • Scheduling

    Schedule online meetings with clients.

  • Custom roles & access authorization

    Manage permissions and access to data .

  • Queue management

    Enable the manual management of conversations – picking tickets with the highest sales potential from the queue.

  • Line of business separation

    Create different segments of sales support.

  • Skill-based routing

    Automated assignment of cases to agents specialized in a given topic to optimize workload and ensure the highest quality of service. API allows for integration with external routing.

Our clients say it best

Conversation history and notifications about incoming messages are only some of the many solutions implemented as part of the project, carried out in cooperation with Ailleron. Very positive feedback from our customers shows us that we have taken the right path, which in turn poses additional challenges for us in terms of further product development.

Jarosław Ścigała

Manager of the Contact Center Development Department at mBank

An omnichannel platform for instant and secure communication over chat, video, audio and social media, optimizing remote advisory processes. An omnichannel platform for instant and secure communication over chat, video, audio and social media, optimizing remote advisory processes.

Aleksandra Buczkowska

Contact Center Director at mBank

As we have demonstrated in the past with our digital innovations, which has included the digital e-Kiosk, and the CommBank SmartWealth app – our awardwinning wealth management mobile application, Bank Commonwealth is committed to realising its digital transformation journey with CommBank Mobile. By partnering with LiveBank we have been able to make CommBank Mobile the next evolution of that journey, and the technology will ensure Bank Commonwealth continues moving towards our purpose: Building a brighter future for all.

Ming Chen

Director of Digital & Strategy at PT. Bank Commonwealth

Online onboarding

Support the sales of banking products in digital channels with minimal assistance from sales agents.

online onboarding - livebank24
  • Authentication

    During the communication with an unlogged client, an agent may trigger the authentication method available in a bank via LiveBank. With Single Sign-On a client logged in to the account needs no additional authentication.

  • ID Verification

    ID and face photos are compared with the use of facial biometry. The document is rendered into a digital form to confirm the authenticity, and personal details are checked in internal and external databases.

  • Biometrics

    LiveBank can deliver or be integrated with any biometric system employed in a bank, such as face recognition or fingerprint scan.

For more information,
go to the eKYC page

See what success with LiveBank looks like

See all case studies
  • Citibank has selected LiveBank – implementing innovative virtual branches in 16 countries of APAC and EMEA regions

    Citibank has signed an agreement to implement Polish LiveBank technology, which will enable bank’s customers in 16 countries to benefit from virtual banking without leaving home. This is the first implementation of a virtual banking system on such a large scale in the world.

    Read full client story
  • LiveBank revolutionizing Chinese Standard Chartered branches

    Standard Chartered Bank, which has more than 1,200 branches in over 70 countries, has launched the LiveBank virtual banking system developed by the Cracovian company Ailleron in their Chinese branches. The bank had already implemented this pilot solution in Malaysia and Singapore, and the rapid adoption of LiveBank by users in the region opened the […]

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  • LiveBank takes Greek bank into a new era of customer service

    LiveBank will allow the largest Greek bank to create an e-branch service [1] – an innovative form of customer service that uses virtual advisors. This is yet another leader of a local banking sector which has decided to meet the needs of its customers by deciding to cooperate with the Cracovian company. Piraeus Bank is […]

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  • mBank’s Expert Online

    Ailleron, a Krakow-based fintech company, which in 2013 implemented a LiveBank virtual branch at mBank under the name of Ekspert Online (Online Expert), enriched it with new, useful functionalities. Recently, the bank’s customers have been able to communicate with the Experts via a video channel, even when using their mobile devices, and the bank’s employees […]

    Read full client story
See all case studies

Test our solution or contact us to find out how LiveBank can help you

Sales Support for Banking Products – Driving Your Revenue Growth

Do you measure missed sales opportunities? Do you know how many of them there are each year and how much income you’re missing out on due to this phenomenon? What if we told you that you can avoid it? How? With our sales support for banking products available on the LiveBank platform.


Our digital banking solution will help you boost sales and close a higher number of leads, but also acquire new sales opportunities. How?

Intelligent Product Recommendations

LiveBank comes with AI that is capable of preparing product recommendations based on each client’s data. As such, it provides sales support for your digital banking products by opening new opportunities.


Data Integration and Analytics

LiveBank integrates data from all the systems and uses AI to analyze it. As a result, it can find patterns in customer behavior and generate predictions – for instance, locate leads that you are about to miss out on – giving you time to react.


Streamlined communication

LiveBank also comes with robust communication features, including file exchange, graphical tools, screen sharing, and more. Thanks to them, your sales team can streamline communication with the clients and make it more convenient (enabling the use of digital channels), building customer satisfaction. At the same time, all our solutions are secure – you won’t have to worry about data leaks.


Enhanced Sales Team Management

LiveBank sales support modules for digital banking products enable you to manage all the sales processes and statistics. As a result, you get a full overview of the team’s performance. What is more, it enables you to locate potential bottlenecks more quickly and eliminate them, ensuring that your team will close more leads in the future.