The Value of LiveBank

Evaluating customer journeys and business models are more relevant than ever. Regardless of ongoing digital initiatives, human assistance is still necessary to make processes friendlier and faster to implement.

LiveBank is a communication-hub

Evaluating customer journeys and business models are more relevant than ever. Regardless of ongoing digital initiatives, human assistance is still necessary to make processes friendlier and faster to implement.

LiveBank is a system which enables one to overcome distance digitally, making banking more accessible and convenient for banks and customers. Virtual branch banking is a reliable solution that ensures smooth, secure sales and service processes.

This White Paper will be showing you…

  • New revenue streams enabled with LiveBank
  • How to be a key player and supporter in digital customer journeys
  • Incorporating LiveBank in long-term bank strategy
  • Why you should choose LiveBank!

Key business enhancements with LiveBank – or simply, why you should choose LiveBank

LiveBank is a communica­tion and collaboration platform which enables a customer to contact a bank through digital channels like chat, video and audio channels. LiveBank provides tools like screen sharing, document sharing, co-browsing, eKYC digital onboarding, as well as live chat which comes with the option of upgrading to video and audio connections.

In addition, it’s a collaborative spot which ensures integration with social media messaging platforms.

If you wonder it’s worth to invest, this document is for you.

Through simple business models and calculation, decision makers can obtain information with regards to the value achieved through LiveBank deployment as part of an omnichannel strategy. For these models we used an example retail bank: a mid-sized bank with 0.5 million customers.

Below you can find key facts and takeaways:

  • First Call Resolution ~90%
  • €10 million of additional sales income thanks to product and service advisory
  • Return of Investment (ROI) 202%