LiveBank Cloud took just 4 weeks to implement!

ING customers can now take advantage of remote service thanks to the cooperation of ING Bank Śląski with LiveBank Cloud. It is a very fruitful cooperation, we have the pleasure not only to implement the product, but also to conduct post-implementation workshops with the bank's employees. Read about the details below.

ING and LiveBank cooperation

The LiveBank Cloud team had a very intense start to the year. A major challenge was to implement a platform for remote communication between the client and the bank based on public cloud technology in the SaaS model, which we succeeded in doing.

Once again, we’re sure that the decision we took in 2021 to move the LiveBank system to a cloud environment was a step in the right direction. This implementation model allows much faster and more flexible implementation of our business partner ING Bank Śląski’s expectations. In this case, it means that the bank has gained the possibility of a better management of resources, a more straightforward adaptation and a greater scalability of the system. As a result, implementation is faster and cheaper, costs are proportional to the extent of software use (licence fees can be easily adjusted to needs), and implementation of the solution does not require large financial outlays or high risk.

“We used our many years of experience to quickly bring complex processes into production. The multidisciplinary team involved in the project, which overcame numerous challenges in designing a new solution for ING Bank Śląski, made the implementation efficient. Łukasz Byrski, General Manager of LiveBank Cloud, says: “We are pleased that the LiveBank platform will facilitate the daily work of our specialists and help to build good relationships with our clients.

The first phase of implementation with the company’s new client brought great satisfaction to the LiveBank team. It has opened up the possibility of creating new scenarios to meet the needs of the client.

We will keep you updated on further joint successes and milestones.