Boost Bank Agent Efficiency with AI Tools

The buzz around AI is starting to slow down, and we're seeing fewer sensational headlines about it. Instead, we're noticing that information about investments in AI development has become a routine part of business operations. The adoption of AI solutions in financial sectors varies with intensity. Certain implementations and uses of AI (e.g. database management, transaction analysis) are not visible to the average Financial Advisor. Let's examine how AI tools we implemented as LiveBank to our customers impact efficiency and level the playing field between new and experienced employees. Efficiency is a crucial measure that we use to evaluate our employees.

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boost advisors efficiency
Understanding Digital Mortgage Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide

Digital mortgage solutions are the future of banking – they make managing the process significantly easier and quicker. Industry reports show that implementing them can translate to four times shorter customer journey lengths. Keeping everything digitized makes managing data much easier, and adding AI to the mix helps cut out potential human errors and keep all the documents compliant. Do you wish to learn more? Then, we invite you to read our guide to digital mortgage solutions.

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How to Leverage Customer Feedback for Continuous Improvement in Digital Banking

How to leverage customer feedback in digital banking? Firstly, you need to find ways to collect it, and then learn through it and combine the knowledge gained this way with the data gathered in your customer relationship management (CRM) system. In this article, we shall explore this topic further – we invite you to read on.

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AI in banking
Optimizing Financial Operations: AI Applications in Banking Processes

What are the applications of AI in banking? For example, artificial intelligence may be used to adapt the UI based on users' habits, to automate customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants or to categorize transactions and segment customers based on these labels. Do you want to learn more? Then read on!

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AI banking assistant
The Rise of Virtual Assistants: AI’s Impact on Banking Customer Care

An AI virtual assistant is an option chosen in banks more frequently. It is so, due to the fact that using generative AI in customer support helps banks reduce their operational costs, improve response times, and personalize customer experiences. Let’s look into this in more detail.

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ING and LiveBank cooperation
LiveBank Cloud took just 4 weeks to implement!

ING customers can now take advantage of remote service thanks to the cooperation of ING Bank Śląski with LiveBank Cloud. It is a very fruitful cooperation, we have the pleasure not only to implement the product, but also to conduct post-implementation workshops with the bank's employees. Read about the details below.

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Asynchronous customer service
Asynchronous Communication: The Key to Servicing Modern Customers

Mobile phones have become the norm, and individuals are accustomed to conversing with others using social messengers such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and others. As a result, asynchronous communication is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, this comes at the expense of other ways of communication, such as regular phone conversations and emails. Are we, therefore, on the brink of a revolution in social communication, in which we no longer require the other person to make time for us to speak with them?

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