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Why do AI projects in finance fail to deliver ROI? Despite the billions poured into artificial intelligence, nearly 40% of financial services CIOs admit their AI initiatives failed to achieve positive ROI in the last year. Why is this happening? It’s not about the technology itself—it’s about strategy. Success hinges on aligning AI with business goals, leveraging high-quality data, and focusing on the right use cases.
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Conversational AI is a powerful tool in banking—sooner or later, all finance organizations will adopt it. This isn’t surprising; such technology offers a lot of value, from making customer service more accessible to supporting omni- and optichannel approaches. In this article, we examine this value, presenting all the pros of conversational AI in digital banking. We invite you to read on.

Why do AI projects in finance fail to deliver ROI? Despite the billions poured into artificial intelligence, nearly 40% of financial services CIOs admit their AI initiatives failed to achieve positive ROI in the last year. Why is this happening? It’s not about the technology itself—it’s about strategy. Success hinges on aligning AI with business goals, leveraging high-quality data, and focusing on the right use cases.

Case management in banking is the practice of implementing new technological solutions to improve and accelerate case management work. With numerous emerging technologies, you can naturally expect the trends regarding case management to change…and you are right! In this article, we will look at this more closely—we invite you to read on!

The buzz around AI is starting to slow down, and we're seeing fewer sensational headlines about it. Instead, we're noticing that information about investments in AI development has become a routine part of business operations. The adoption of AI solutions in financial sectors varies with intensity. Certain implementations and uses of AI (e.g. database management, transaction analysis) are not visible to the average Financial Advisor. Let's examine how AI tools we implemented as LiveBank to our customers impact efficiency and level the playing field between new and experienced employees. Efficiency is a crucial measure that we use to evaluate our employees.

What are the applications of AI in banking? For example, artificial intelligence may be used to adapt the UI based on users' habits, to automate customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants or to categorize transactions and segment customers based on these labels. Do you want to learn more? Then read on!

Optimizing processes in digital banking is inevitably linked to automating them. From customer onboarding through loan decisioning to fraud detection, reporting, and customer service – all of these fields can be improved with the use of innovative technologies. Why don’t we look at this together and see how LiveBank can help you make your digital banking processes more efficient?