Boost Bank Agent Efficiency with AI Tools

The buzz around AI is starting to slow down, and we're seeing fewer sensational headlines about it. Instead, we're noticing that information about investments in AI development has become a routine part of business operations. The adoption of AI solutions in financial sectors varies with intensity. Certain implementations and uses of AI (e.g. database management, transaction analysis) are not visible to the average Financial Advisor. Let's examine how AI tools we implemented as LiveBank to our customers impact efficiency and level the playing field between new and experienced employees. Efficiency is a crucial measure that we use to evaluate our employees.

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boost advisors efficiency
Will Virtual Branch Work For Your Bank?
Will Virtual Branch Work For Your Bank?

LiveBank is an omnichannel communication and collaboration hub for banks that aggregate all communication channels like text chat, video and audio. LiveBank provides retail banks secure and friendly contact channels for its clients. This synergy of technology and people enriches communications and establishes the grounds for the digitalization of bank processes. As a result of […]

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LiveBank is Azure Ready now! Ailleron Fintech partnership with Microsoft

As vendor of the latest technologies, mainly for the FINTECH sector, which is very demanding and challenging, we provide our clients with the best, most optimal and safe solutions that enable them to achieve their business goals. We focus on continuous development as well as innovation in the approach to ongoing projects.

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