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Why do AI projects in finance fail to deliver ROI? Despite the billions poured into artificial intelligence, nearly 40% of financial services CIOs admit their AI initiatives failed to achieve positive ROI in the last year. Why is this happening? It’s not about the technology itself—it’s about strategy. Success hinges on aligning AI with business goals, leveraging high-quality data, and focusing on the right use cases.
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Building trust, avoiding fines, and keeping clients within your organization are all aspects of banking that are affected by cybersecurity. Yet, protecting client data is not easy, as threats evolve daily, changing and getting more dangerous. How do we handle them and associated risks at LiveBank? Find it out in this article!

What is the role of data security in wealth management? It’s extremely important. Plenty of cybercriminals are targeting financial institutions right now, and wealthy individuals are a promising target. Such customers are also extremely important and more difficult to acquire; hence, you need to build trust, which can be easily broken by insufficient security.

Cloud technology for wealth management comes with a plethora of benefits. It’s scalable, so the number of your customers does not limit you; it’s more secure since cloud systems are protected by the best cybersecurity software available – one that would be too expensive in-house; it’s cost-effective – you don’t need to invest in servers and upgrade your equipment as the system grows; finally, it’s agile and reliable – you can access it on any type of machine. Do you want to learn more? Then read on!

Digital security in online banking is critical. Not only is it responsible for keeping customers’ money and personal information safe, but also for building trust and confidence in your services. The main ways to ensure it involve data encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems, automatic log-outs, or even limits to online spending – many of these are visible to the clients themselves. However, banks still need to combat threats, such as phishing, sniffing, advanced persistent attacks, or even targeting the supply chain. Do you want to learn more? Then read on!