Top 5 Factors That Drive AI ROI Success in Financial Institution

Why do AI projects in finance fail to deliver ROI? Despite the billions poured into artificial intelligence, nearly 40% of financial services CIOs admit their AI initiatives failed to achieve positive ROI in the last year. Why is this happening? It’s not about the technology itself—it’s about strategy. Success hinges on aligning AI with business goals, leveraging high-quality data, and focusing on the right use cases.

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AI ROI Success
Line of business LiveBank Ailleron
Building an Effective Business Structure: Line of Business in Complex Organizations

One of the challenges that organizations worldwide face is a very dynamic growth and complexity. It's a recurring rule that we can observe in business processes and products - as they grow, operational and structural complexity increases, sometimes even multiplies. These business structures can operate in various industries, and geographic areas, and offer different products or services.

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cloud banking transformation
How Livebank Supports Cloud Banking Transformation?

The rapid increase in interactions in digital media was an enormous challenge for the Banks, both in terms of organization and technical resources. The procedures for acquiring new technological solutions have also changed. The availability of the LiveBank cloud solution is a natural response to the changing and more demanding market environment.

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