Top 5 Factors That Drive AI ROI Success in Financial Institution

Why do AI projects in finance fail to deliver ROI? Despite the billions poured into artificial intelligence, nearly 40% of financial services CIOs admit their AI initiatives failed to achieve positive ROI in the last year. Why is this happening? It’s not about the technology itself—it’s about strategy. Success hinges on aligning AI with business goals, leveraging high-quality data, and focusing on the right use cases.

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AI ROI Success
Human conversations in digital banking — A relic of the past or a rebirth?

We are witnessing profound changes in how customers use banking services. There has been a shift toward everything virtual. From retail to professional services to health and education, almost all sectors offer all or part of their services online. Customers’ attitudes have changed, and they now prefer to have the option to take care of business online.

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cloud banking benefits
Why Banks Need a Cloud-based Customer Service System

Cloud-based software offers a technical stack as well as the opportunity to engage customers at a new level. The borders between traditional retail banking and fintech companies no longer exist in today's financial landscape. Customers now have more digital habits than they did five or even two years ago. Customers want a consistent experience across digital platforms and touchpoints. They want the major functions to be right in front of their eyes.

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Case-based management – how does it help bank teams?

Every day, thousands of customers contact bank advisors with questions about products they have or they want to hear about the latest bank offers and digital trends. These customers want to settle their cases in the most efficient way possible. Furthermore, their expectations regarding the quality and speed of service are rising consistently every year.

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cloud banking transformation
How Livebank Supports Cloud Banking Transformation?

The rapid increase in interactions in digital media was an enormous challenge for the Banks, both in terms of organization and technical resources. The procedures for acquiring new technological solutions have also changed. The availability of the LiveBank cloud solution is a natural response to the changing and more demanding market environment.

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Conversational AI Amplified with LiveBank

Ailleron’s LiveBank has redefined contemporary banking by providing the financial sector with the premier communication hub, combining cutting-edge innovations with practical, reliable tools that deliver rewarding customer experiences at a fraction of the cost of traditional banking strategies.

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Will the True Omni-Channel Please Reveal Itself?

Will omnichannel banking deliver on its promise anytime soon? This article examines the question and finds a new understanding of the omnichannel concept.

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